Já comecei a fazer as encomendas de Natal. Para poder garantir prazos de entrega, só aceito encomendas personalizadas até ao dia 20 Novembro. Pela mesma razão, aconselho a quem quiser comprar peças disponíveis que o faça com antecedência, de preferência até ao dia 15 Dezembro, para Portugal, e até dia 8 para envios internacionais, de forma a evitar possíveis atrasos dos correios.
I've already started working on Christmas orders. Custom orders will be accepted until 20th November, so I can guarantee delivery times. For the same reason, I recommend to anyone who want to order available items to do so in advance, preferably by the 15th December to Portugal and 8th December for international shipments, in order to avoid possible mail delays.
I've already started working on Christmas orders. Custom orders will be accepted until 20th November, so I can guarantee delivery times. For the same reason, I recommend to anyone who want to order available items to do so in advance, preferably by the 15th December to Portugal and 8th December for international shipments, in order to avoid possible mail delays.
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