Martha Stewart (via Apartment Therapy)

Martha Stewart (via Apartment Therapy)

Martha Stewart

style me pretty (via Indie Fixx)

A Beach Cottage (via Design*Sponge)

(via Mochatini)

jodi miller (via Indie Fixx)

Ruffled (via Indie Fixx)

Joanna Henderson

Polly Wreford

ACME party box (photo by nicole hill gerulat)
Por esta altura do ano começam as festas. De família, de amigos, jantares de Natal, passagem de ano... a verdade é que passamos uma boa parte destes eventos à mesa, a comer e a conviver. A decoração das mesas pode ser um processo trabalhoso e muitas vezes descurado, mas com alguma imaginação pode também ser muito divertido e ter resultados fantásticos. Alguns adereços comprados, feitos à mão ou mesmo colhidos na natureza, uma boa combinação de cores e padrões, algum cuidado na disposição das coisas e voilá! Inspirem-se!
By this time of year the festivities begin. Family and friends parties, Christmas dinners, New Year's eve ... the truth is that we spent a good part of these events at the table eating and socializing. Table decorations can be an intricate process and often overlooked, but with some imagination it can also be very fun with amazing results. Some ornaments (bought, handmade or even collected in nature), a good combination of colors and patterns, some care in display and voilá! Get inspired!
By this time of year the festivities begin. Family and friends parties, Christmas dinners, New Year's eve ... the truth is that we spent a good part of these events at the table eating and socializing. Table decorations can be an intricate process and often overlooked, but with some imagination it can also be very fun with amazing results. Some ornaments (bought, handmade or even collected in nature), a good combination of colors and patterns, some care in display and voilá! Get inspired!
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