A loja foi actualizada com algumas malas (e fotos novas) da colecção Herbarium* que regressaram a casa. Para quem quiser começar já a pensar na Primavera e a sentir o cheiro das flores...
*A colecção Herbarium foi iniciada no Outono/Inverno de 2009/10 e teve continuidade com a colecção de Primavera/Verão de 2010. Decidi agora torná-la permanente, e irá sendo actualizada de vez em quando, à medida que novas plantas e cores se forem juntando ao meu herbário.
The Shop has been updated with some bags (and new pictures) of Herbarium* collection that have returned home. For those who want to start thinking about Spring and feel the scent of flowers...
* Herbarium collection was started on Fall/Winter 2009/10 and was continued on Spring/Summer 2010. I have now decided to make it permanent, and will be updated once in a while, as new plants and colors join to my herbarium.
*A colecção Herbarium foi iniciada no Outono/Inverno de 2009/10 e teve continuidade com a colecção de Primavera/Verão de 2010. Decidi agora torná-la permanente, e irá sendo actualizada de vez em quando, à medida que novas plantas e cores se forem juntando ao meu herbário.
The Shop has been updated with some bags (and new pictures) of Herbarium* collection that have returned home. For those who want to start thinking about Spring and feel the scent of flowers...
* Herbarium collection was started on Fall/Winter 2009/10 and was continued on Spring/Summer 2010. I have now decided to make it permanent, and will be updated once in a while, as new plants and colors join to my herbarium.
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