Chama-se Lauren e vive na Pennsylvania, e é a autora destas imagens incríveis em tons sépia, desenhadas e impressas em papel ou gravadas em madeira, usando a técnica da pirografia. Não há nada que não goste na loja dela! Aconselho vivamente uma visita e aproveito para avisar que os portes são grátis até ao dia 17 deste mês!
Her name is Lauren, she lives in Pennsylvania and is the author of these amazing pictures in sepia, drawn and printed on paper or wood, using pyrography. There is no item in her shop that I don't like! I highly recommed a visit there and, by the way, it's free shipping until April 17th!
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Her name is Lauren, she lives in Pennsylvania and is the author of these amazing pictures in sepia, drawn and printed on paper or wood, using pyrography. There is no item in her shop that I don't like! I highly recommed a visit there and, by the way, it's free shipping until April 17th!
::: Shop
::: Blog
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