Pedras, cacos encontrados na praia, pedaços de vidro, madeira, são as bases das ilustrações desta artista sueca com profunda inspiração no budismo japonês. São pequenos tesouros que transmitem paz e me fazem sorrir!
Stones, shards found in the beach, little pieces of glass, wood, are the bases for the illustrations of this swedish artist deeply inspired by japanese buddhism. They are little treasures that give me peace and make me smile!
Stones, shards found in the beach, little pieces of glass, wood, are the bases for the illustrations of this swedish artist deeply inspired by japanese buddhism. They are little treasures that give me peace and make me smile!
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found you while wandering the world this morning.
beautiful things!
Tou completamente fascinada com as peças dela!!!
Obrigada por partilhares**
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