Depois da colecção Herbarium, é a vez de vos apresentar a linha mais urbana deste Outono-Inverno. São malas em tweed ou fazenda, bordadas a lã ou com motivos trabalhados no próprio tecido. Inspirei-me sobretudo nos azulejos portugueses (e outros elementos arquitectónicos), e fiz uma leve abordagem à técnica de bordado japonês sashiko, ainda que à minha maneira livre. Desta vez contei com a colaboração da Júlia como modelo fotográfico (obrigada!).
After the Herbarium collection, it is now time to introduce you to the most urban line of this Fall-Winter. These are bags made of tweed or wool cloth, embroidered on wool or with motifs molded into the fabric. I was inspired mostly by portuguese tiles (and other architectural elements) and I made a light approach to japanese sashiko embroidery technique, though in my own free way. This time I had the collaboration of Julia as a photographic model (thank you!).
After the Herbarium collection, it is now time to introduce you to the most urban line of this Fall-Winter. These are bags made of tweed or wool cloth, embroidered on wool or with motifs molded into the fabric. I was inspired mostly by portuguese tiles (and other architectural elements) and I made a light approach to japanese sashiko embroidery technique, though in my own free way. This time I had the collaboration of Julia as a photographic model (thank you!).

Esta mala é em xadrez azul, vermelho e bege, com bordado nos mesmos tons. Tem um bolso interior, forro azul marinho, e pegas em cabedal castanho escuro. Já está na Loja!
This bag is made of blue, red and beige checkered tweed, and embroidered on the same colors. It has a pocket on the inside, navy lining and brown leather straps. It's now available at the Shop!
This bag is made of blue, red and beige checkered tweed, and embroidered on the same colors. It has a pocket on the inside, navy lining and brown leather straps. It's now available at the Shop!

Ref.: m153
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