Há dias fiz esta almofada em forma de mocho para oferecer a uma bebé. A cabeça e o corpo são feitos de algodão orgânico, os olhos, bico e patas em feltro, e o tecido das asas foi pintado por mim, como uma primeira abordagem ao curso "Beneath the Surface", da Alisa Burke.
Some days ago, I made this owl cushion to give to a baby. The head and body are made of organic cotton, the eyes, beak and feet are made of felt, and the wings fabric was painted by me, as a first approach to the class "Beneath the Surface", by Alisa Burke.
Some days ago, I made this owl cushion to give to a baby. The head and body are made of organic cotton, the eyes, beak and feet are made of felt, and the wings fabric was painted by me, as a first approach to the class "Beneath the Surface", by Alisa Burke.

Ref.: bn11
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