Este ano optámos por uma decoração de Natal muito simples. À semelhança do ano passado, tivemos de pensar em soluções "à prova de gato" e, por isso, a nossa árvore foi pendurada na parede. Alterámos a disposição dos móveis na sala para termos o sofá mais perto da lareira. Juntámos uma foto minha ao nosso mural, com o mar de uma das nossas praias favoritas, para nos transmitir paz. De resto, aproveitámos o que já tínhamos. Adoro o efeito das luzes e da fogueira à noite, que convidam a serões de filmes e tricot. E a mesa cheia de luz natural de manhã faz-me lembrar as manhãs da véspera de Natal de quando era mais pequena, em que acordava com o cheiro a bolos e a árvore cheia de presentes!
This year our Christmas decorations are very simple and clean. Just like last year, we had to think of "cat proof" solutions, and our tree was hung on the wall. We rearranged furniture to get the sofa closer to the fireplace. We added one of my photos to our mural, with the sea of one of our favorite beaches, to give us the sense of peace. Besides that, we used what we already had. I love the effect of the lights and fire at night, they invite to watch films and knitting in the evening. And the table full of natural light in the morning reminds me of the mornings of Christmas Eves of my childhood, when I woke up with the smell of cakes and the tree full of gifts!
This year our Christmas decorations are very simple and clean. Just like last year, we had to think of "cat proof" solutions, and our tree was hung on the wall. We rearranged furniture to get the sofa closer to the fireplace. We added one of my photos to our mural, with the sea of one of our favorite beaches, to give us the sense of peace. Besides that, we used what we already had. I love the effect of the lights and fire at night, they invite to watch films and knitting in the evening. And the table full of natural light in the morning reminds me of the mornings of Christmas Eves of my childhood, when I woke up with the smell of cakes and the tree full of gifts!

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