1 - Sara Paloma Pottery, 2 - ELINtm, 3 - Gloaming Designs, 4 - Brooklyn Rehab

5 - seedknits, 6 - kuss, 7 - two art directors and a photographer, 8 - Iomiss

9 - Pole Star, 10 - tortillagirl, 11 - krize, 12 - Fish & Lotus
Tons neutros, o cinza, o branco, o preto, o cru, carregados de silêncio, de poesia, era capaz de ficar à procura de peças nestas cores por tempo indefinido...
Neutral shades, grey, white, black, cru, they are full of silence, of poetry, I could be searching for items on these tones forever...
Neutral shades, grey, white, black, cru, they are full of silence, of poetry, I could be searching for items on these tones forever...
ahhh - exactly what i was searching to find in my home today - these colors and their poetry and peace.
thank you so much for including my brooch. truly beautiful collection.
Wow you have some amazing choices here! I am honored to be among them.
there are all so beautiful. i feel lucky to be included.
best wishes,
Looks lovely!!!
thanks so much for including seed.
Thanks for featuring my Bunny Girl Nieves! :=)
Thank you so much for the feature! What an awesome collection you've put together. Very happy to be included.
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